“Seljan Fermor-Hesketh was equally impassioned as Anna, and possessed the necessary flexibility for the part. Although the character claims in the final scene that she is vengeance rather than love, she reveals sorrow and grief at what has happened as much as she does anger. Fermor-Hesketh produced some beautifully tender strains before her most strident sound hit the audience in a positively thrilling manner.”
- Sam Smith, Music OMH, November 2024, Anna in Puccini's Le Villi
Chelsea Opera Group at Cadogan Hall
“In this thinnest of plots Sejan Fermor-Hesketh, soprano, rode to our rescue. She possesses all the vocal skills needed for this and future Puccini operas. As soon as she sang I spotted Puccinian vocal traits that would ring out in future years to come. Here was Mimi from La bohème being heard in prototype. What a surprise! Sejan Fermor-Hesketh surely has a wonderful career ahead of her.”
- Edward Clark, Musical Opinion
Music OMH
November, 2024
Musical Opinion
November, 2024